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Luthando Maduna CA(SA)

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Luthando is a qualified chartered accountant and is a registered member of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) with Practice Number 20055210. He has extensive experience in the finance industry in the financial services and worked for 10 years at the Office of the Auditor General of South Africa where he was exposed to the public sector.

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Our Story

After attaining a Bachelor of Accounting at the University of Johannesburg, Luthando worked at various companies in the accounts department. In 2010, he quit his role at the Regent Insurance to pursue the dream of establishing a black owned food retailer, Food Corner, on the African continent. 


He joined the Office of the Auditor General (AGSA) and worked for an unbroken record in four provinces until 2022. During his time at the AG, Luthando spent his time after hours refining the business strategy of Food Corner and he visited many provinces conducting his own research in food supply and the value chain. 


In 2020, Luthando launched the product "Lifestyle Mini Complex" which will be offered through his firm, Maduna CAs. As a client, one gets to benefit from having a professionally managed business. Our firm will deal with all aspects of the business and reports to our clients across the country. At Maduna CAs, we see ourselves growing with our clients in the different industries and leaving legacies that will assist future generations when it comes to wealth creation. Luthando managed to secure a food supplier in the entire SADC that will work with him in competing with established food retailers that are listed on the stock exchange.


In 2024, Luthando also managed to start his foundation, Luthando Maduna Foundation, where a percentage of profits will be allocated to the foundation. Through this foundation, Luthando aims to use the collective funds from clients who believe in an inclusive economy to restore the dignity of the people of Alexandra and build high rise apartments. Clients of the firm will be getting updates from one of the big four banks that has offered to assist Luthando in running the foundation and provide report. We also designed a system where as a client, you can also invest in the City of Alexandra as we believe that as more people own businesses, it will be easy to uplift other people. The name of the campaign is #ChangeAlexNow and it will be included in the website of the foundation. As per discussions with the bank, all the money and the programmes of the foundation will be managed by the bank.

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